Introduction to Virtual Assistant Course 4
Basic Tools & Requirements 4
Virtual Assistant Services 4
Virtual Assistant Service 1: Appointment Setting 4
Software and Systems Setup For Appointment Setters 8
Virtual Assistant Service 2 : Data Entry 7
Virtual Assistant Service 3: Lead Generation 4
Other Common Virtual Assistant Service 1
Data Scraping, Web Research and Data Mining 3
Mastering The Skills, Live Exercises 3
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I am self motivated and can make decisions on my own without waiting for someone to remind me of my duty. I can work alone and also work in a team. I am creative and open hearted to learn new skills and technologies. I am empathetic and patient to know people’s problems.
I need to work on the area of time management and working with different personalities.
Taking decisions some times is a bit difficult for me sometimes..I can manage time and dont lkke having too much to handle at a time .i rather take what i can handle and do it well..I love acquiring skills and a good team player..am empathetic and have learnt how to work with different people by trying to understand them
I possess the quality of empathy and ability to work with different personality…and I would love to be more creative and willing to learn new skills and love challenges
I possess the ability to work well on my own and i’m a natural self starter with lots of self drive.
I possess the ability to think quick on my feet (decision making skills).
I possess the ability to work for long and at odd hours (excellent time management skills).
I seriously need to cultivate empathy. I am sometimes very impatient with people.
Where I worked as a Clients Officer I know of all this qualities, especially how to manage people, even on phone some will be shouting with vexation to get some problems sorted out, while they had faulted, you just have to calm them down explain things to them, sometimes they may prove difficult, you have to listen carefully to them and request if you can call them back if you have no means of sorting things out at that point in time because you don’t want to lose customers to your competitors and you wouldn’t want them to report you negatively to your Boss.
Am a good team player, self motivated, and can take decision immediately, i pay attention to highly priorities work , I love learning new skills/ challenges
I think i need to build time management, creativity thinking.
I don’t have issues with learning new things/skills. I usually am excited when there are new things to learn.
I am also very comfortable with working long hours provided I have an aim to work towards.
I am self motivated, but I agree I have low moments when I need encouragement to pull through. I also don’t know how to let go a goal without feeling bad about it.
Finally, I am quite empathic but can be a tad over the board with empathy.
Hmmm, I think you’re good to go.
Great qualities
Among, the six qualities that are listed, I am self motivated, empathetic, what I really need is to be focused and be determined.
i can work long hours and manage my time, ability to set deadlines, ability to work well and make decisions. but i will work on my ability to avoid distractions.
I believe that I possess some of the aforementioned qualities of a good virtual assistant.
I am proactive, and goal-oriented.
I possess the ability to work independently, and effectively within a team.
project management skills such as prioritising workloads, and meeting deadlines, are my forte.
Having worked as a first point of contact in a place where people can be as erratic as the British weather, enabled me hone my interpersonal skills; hence, I can confidently work with people exhibiting diverse behavioural attitudes.
I would like to think that I am empathetic because I am able to feel people’s emotion and decipher why they react in a certain manner. This enables me work with them to proffer solutions.
Learning new things while exciting, can also be an arduous task. Fortunately, the time of flipping through voluminous textbooks are way behind us. I find it difficult to learn new things if I have to spend so much time searching for it. All thanks, to the inventors of search engines, not forgetting the inventors of ‘copy and paste’, I now have information on the go.
I work very well on my own (in fact I actually prefer it), however, I can also work effectively as part of a team when the need arises. I am empathic and can work with different personalities, can work for long hours also. I am only motivated if I have an interest in a particular project; unfortunately this means that I will only be willing to learn new technical skills that I find interesting or at least useful.
I think I need to work on my ability to set deadlines and achieve goals as well as time management.
1.Ability to work well on my own, self -motivated and make decision
2.ability to manage time and can work long no matter the time..
3.ability to set deadlines and achieving goals
4..A team player and still can work alone
5.creative and ready to learn more skills and love challenge
6.. ability to work with different personalities and empathy
I am the type that’s always willing to learn and explore new opportunities. I want to believe I posses some degree of skills in time management and meeting deadlines. I must confess I would have to learn to be more empathetic and patient in this journey… certainly.
I have almost all the qualities and there is room for improvement. I can handle and work with anytime and of course with any personalities irrespective of their race, colour, country and personal attitude or temper. Nevertheless am creative , emphatic, team player and many more. But there is always tommorow for improvement. Willingly to learn new things in course of my duties.
I possess all the skills for a VA, however, I need to work on some of them and improve on them. I have diverse interests which divides my attention and makes it difficult for me to achieve deadlines. I believe that improving on my time management will greatly help me to acieve deadlines.
I am self motivated, can work alone or in a team, love challenges and new skills. I can work with different personalities but need to improve on my patience, time management and meeting deadlines.
I hope to get better in the course of the training.
I am self motivated, can manage time, work on my own and with team, and love challenges. I need to work on my ability to make correct decisions, work with different people, be more creative and willing to learn new skills.
Its great knowing that these qualities are the pre-requisites for becoming a successful Virtual Assistant. Truth is, growing up in the streets and choosing a part in entrepreneurship has prepared me quite well for this journey.
I possess majority of the qualities mentioned. I am super self motivated and I make decisions on my own when necessary. Though often lazy sometimes, I can work long hours when there’s an important task to accomplish. I am also a great team player and a great learner. I also want to believe that I empathize with people a lot.
But regardless of all these, one of my biggest challenge is Time management. I procrastinate a lot. If I can fix this part, then the sky will be just my starting point.
Well among the six qualities mentioned, I’m good at most of them except empathy. I don’t like hot tempered people cause of their impatience. I love my work and know how to deliver but i don’t like being choked or an overbearing person. I’m a team player but not a slave. I look forward to learning more skills on this course that will help me be better at my work.
I’m self-motivated, empathetic, can work with anyone but need to work on time management.
I practically possess all qualities listed. I find d last quality (empathy) interesting and I try as much as possible to keep developing my emotional quotient. I try to be patient and have good listening qualities
God we help me on Setting a deadlines and restricecd over distractions.
I have the qualities of being focus, self motivated, able to make decisions and am a good listener(empathy). The areas I really need to work on is my time management and being creative. I believe by this training I come out better than when I started.
I need to work on time management
Meeting deadline and overcome distractions
I am a very good team player. I’ve worked on different projects with different people. I am very creative and love to learn new skills when given the opportunity (that’s how my baking career started). I am also very good at managing my time properly. I love delivering my projects before the deadline given.
But i need to work on my self motivation. I would rate myself 60% on this. Most times, i need a push before i take decisions.
I love setting new goals and attaining same, like staying focused on my targets to be able to understand the working. I am poor in being empathetic, as i am somehow a reserved person and don’t welcome undue interference.
Going through the listed qualities of a Virtual Assistant, I can see that I already have a couple of them. I am a very self-motivated person that can make decisions on my own. When I set my mind to something I achieve it. I am also a team player. I have skills as a Social Worker, so empathy is a skill I have learnt over the years. I am also very willing to learn all the skills needed for me to sharpen my creativity in this career.
Making decisions without waiting for anybody is not my problem. So also learning new techniques and technology is also what I love most. The only area I need to work with is time but I can work for long hours. In fact, I always find it difficult to stand up from a job when I have not finish it. I seriously love challenges and working with a team is also not a problem for me at all.
I have empathy, I love to learn, I am a goal getter but I don’t think I will enjoy working long hours, I’m easily distracted, just need to cultivate the habit of avoiding distractions. But I love to deliver, I believe so much in building a reputable goodwill.
When you work with deadlines, it will motivate you to always deliver and avoid distractions.
Also, always make your phone inaccessible while working, to avoid social media and calls, which are major sources of distraction in our generation
I am self motivated,I enjoy the challenge of getting things done before the deadline.. But I need work more on work with different persons at same time,because I love concentration on one thing at a time,get it dsone before more to the next
Thank you Mr Emmanuel for the advice, it was so helpful.
Thank you!
For me, I can make decisions on my own, I am self motivated, I am a team player, willing to learn new skills but the issues I have is with setting deadlines and working with different personalities.
I am empathetic, can work for several hours and also a team player.
I choose to work alone sometimes to avoid distractions. I am a creative person and also self motivated, and can make decisions on my own.
I think I will need to work on setting deadlines and time management.
I am self-motivated and work well on my own while still meeting the team’s goals. I can manage my time effectively but may have a problem with working very long hours. My training as an accountant allows me to set deadlines and work without distractions. I am creative and generally good with technology.
I have all the skills. But I need to work more on empathy, dealing with distractions and a little more on time management.
All the skills mentioned i have them, I just need to be more serious about them all to be more productive in my job. Thanks